Working With Me

Start With a Complimentary Call

As a registered dietitian, I have completed thousands of nutrition counseling sessions and taught dozens of nutrition classes. I understand the challenges people face when it comes to navigating diet culture. Let’s chat about where you are at and how we can work together. Wherever you are at on your journey, we will find a plan for you that you feel confident and peaceful about moving forward with. 

Individualized Coaching Package

Nutrition coaching to help you break the dieting cycle and enjoy food and health the way God intended – diet free.

In these sessions, we will focus on:

  • Identifying emotional eating triggers
  • Honoring your body’s design
  • Rewiring negative thought patterns around food and diets
  • Learning food foundations for nourishing yourself – diet free
  • Create gradual, realistic, lasting changes at your own pace

What can you expect through the sessions?

  • Bi-Weekly 1:1 coaching/education sessions
  • Zero judgment
  • Email/text support and accountability
  • Partnering with Holy Spirit
  • Resources and guidance and using food to nourish
  • Journal and biblical meditations resources
  • Pre and post assessment surveys
  • NO calorie counting, weighing in, or mundane meal plans
  • You will be asked to do HARD things – I am a guide, you must do the work (we reap what we sow)
  • For God to show you something NEW
  • To begin to ENJOY food without guilt

By the end of the program, you will be:

Breaking the dieting cycle, addressing emotional eating in a healthy way, walking in better health, and feeling confident in who God made you to be and how He made us to use food.

  • Within the first week, you will have a clear vision of personal wellness and realistic action steps
  • After 30 days, you will begin to understand how to use food for your benefit and break off old negative patterns
  • At the end of the program, you will be walking out total body wellness – free from diets, guilt, and body shame

Available in a 12-week (5 session) coaching package

Group Workshops

Have a group interested in learning more about a faith-based approach to eating? This 3-part series can be taught in a group setting in-person or virtually. Sessions are made to build on each other for multi-session events or can be taught individually.

1. In His Image

In this workshop, we build off the foundation that all the choices we make about what and why we eat are based on how we view our bodies – and that any movement into healthier habits needs to be based on a biblical view of our body. We dig into the lies of the culture and God’s view of how He created our bodies – made in His image, for worship, to experience Him and His beloved, and to be treated with respect and love. We are called to be in the world, not of the world.

2. Free to Eat

In our diet-centric culture, many struggle with food obsession and bondage to diet rules – this leads to emotional eating, yo-yo dieting, and confusion on what and how to eat.  In this workshop, we begin by renewing the mind around the lies that bring food and diet guilt and build on practical tools to tune into how God created us to fuel and receive His Grace along the way – diet free.

3. What we Eat

In this workshop, I build from my 15+ years of experience as a dietitian to dispel the nutritional myths and give some practical and biblical guidance on what it looks like to nourish our bodies well – all while being able to enjoy God’s creation through food without guilt or unrealistic rules. 

Women will walk away with: 

  1. A new revelation of their bodies and worth in Christ 
  2. Clarity on what to eat and how diet culture keeps us in bondage
  3. Feeling empowered to address emotional eating at the core
  4. Tools to rewire and ID the lies and negative thought patterns that keep us stuck
  5. Boldness to step further into their purpose that has been on hold from body shame





Byron Center, Michigan